Creating a countdown timer with VueJS

The idea is to create a banner having a countdown timer, zeroed on TV Gaspar birthday. The approach for this was, first, of course, search for an existent countdown timer. I’ve tried vuejs-countdown-timer, that has everything I thought be needed, like props for changing the language. But, for some reason, I could not add it to my environment. The time just don’t appeared.

The second approach was to create a component with just the countdown timer.


    <div class="timer">
        <date-field v-if="months > 0" :value="months" singular="mês" plural="meses"/>
        <date-field :value="days" singular="dia" plural="dias"/>
        <date-field :value="hours" singular="hora" plural="horas"/>
        <date-field :value="minutes" singular="minuto" plural="minutos"/>
        <date-field :value="seconds" singular="segundo" plural="segundos"/>


export default {
    // ...
    created() {
        this.interval = setInterval(this.tickTimer, 1000)
    destroyed() {
    methods: {
        tickTimer() {
            const now = this.$moment();
            const targetDate = this.$moment(this.targetDate);
                const remainingTime = this.$moment.duration(targetDate.diff(now));
                this.months = remainingTime.months();
                this.days = remainingTime.days();
                this.hours = remainingTime.hours();
                this.minutes = remainingTime.minutes();
                this.seconds = remainingTime.seconds();
    // ...

We can se a couple of thinks there. A date-field element, an interval handled where the component is created and destroyed, a tickTimer() function. We can also see the use of momentjs.

The date-field component has three props: singular, plural, and value. If the value is 1, the singular word is used, like 1 mês, and 2 meses.

    <div class="date-field">
        <span class="number"></span>
        <span class="time-unit"></span>

The setInterval starts when the component is created, and ticks the tickTimer every second. This function sets the component data (months, days, hours, minutes and seconds) as the remaining time between now and targetDate.

Banner in production
Banner in production

Of course, until here just the countdown was done. The banner also has text wrapping the timer. So, the final component structure was that:

The last thing that is worth to mention is the use of css classes. Without the scoped property, the style affects other components. So, the BirthdayBanner can styles the CountdownDateField.


<style lang="scss">
.birthday-banner {
    .timer {
        .date-field {
            background-color: white;
            padding: 2vw 0;
            border-radius: 15%;
            box-shadow: darken($primary-color, 20) 1px 1px 1px;
            min-width: 12vw;
            color: $primary-color;
            text-shadow: #2e3237 1px -1px -1px;
            margin-left: .3vw;
            .number {
                font-size: 2em;
            .time-unit {
                font-size: .8em;

This is a really simple post, about an ordinary thing. But I hope it could be useful for some other developer who needs something like it.